General Archery/History Q:..Idea Actually I guess
I was in a deep convo w a bud about the people issue right now..
The topic of the criminal ferals from somewhere else assaulting the NY cops then almost at once being displayed a middle finger..we cussed about it awhile when he, a history nut like me,(but he likes different eras than me) postulated the following…
The topic of the criminal ferals from somewhere else assaulting the NY cops then almost at once being displayed a middle finger..we cussed about it awhile when he, a history nut like me,(but he likes different eras than me) postulated the following…
The original meaning was one of defiance…archers cant draw a bow w/o that finger…they must have that one above all others…captured archers had that finger cut off…
Author: (Forrest Mosby)