Modern Families And Processed Food
They opened a small market close to me-3 mi-so I shop my sundries there and avoid WM places..
I often see a girl in there, has maybe a 4 yr old girl and a tot..nice girl, waitress nearby,I speak to her, we ‘know’(recognize)ea other, etc
She makes comments like”just getting off work, gotta get the kids fed” and similar..she ALWAYS has frozen pizza…
Near as I can figure, she is/will raise those kids to adulthood on frozen food and sugar(sodas, etc)
I judge not..she always mentions hubby is at…
I often see a girl in there, has maybe a 4 yr old girl and a tot..nice girl, waitress nearby,I speak to her, we ‘know’(recognize)ea other, etc
She makes comments like”just getting off work, gotta get the kids fed” and similar..she ALWAYS has frozen pizza…
Near as I can figure, she is/will raise those kids to adulthood on frozen food and sugar(sodas, etc)
I judge not..she always mentions hubby is at…
Author: (Forrest Mosby)