Drought in America
Something to keep an eye on.
150.3 Million people in the U.S. are affected by drought this week.
Increase of 153.5% since last month
Every US state except Alaska and Kentucky is facing drought
The drought is also affecting more than 318m acres of crops, a 57% increase since last month
load of info here
National Current Conditions
The U.S. saw a huge expansion of drought for the fourth week in a row. Conditions worsened in every state from the Plains to the East. Drought is present in every U.S. state except Alaska and Kentucky. This is the greatest number of states in drought in U.S. Drought Monitor history. As of…
Water Utilities
Drought can result in significant operational impacts to water utilities, including a loss of water supply and poor source water quality. Building drought resilience for water utilities means increasing their ability to respond to water supply threats, withstand impacts from drought, and quickly…
The problem is more…
Author: invalid@example.com (UKnorth)